Professor Herb is an internationally renowned premium CBD brand. Professor Herb boast a variety of different CBD products within their growing catalogue.

Professor Herb CBD Logo

Shop Professor Herb’s CBD disposable vapes with Xmania

Pick from our range of CBD disposable vape pens and CBD E-Liquids from Professor Herb.

Professor Herb CBD Disposable Vape pens

These pocket sized, compact disposable CBD vape pens are the perfect way to get your daily dose, relax and unwind. They are manufactured using delicious sweet flavours and Cannabis strain specific terpenes.

Professor Herb CBD E-Liquids

CBD Vape Liquid is a hemp-based cannabinoid product specifically formulated for vaping with e-cigarettes.  CBD Vape Liquid is also known as CBD vape juice, Cannabis e-juice and Cannabis vape oil although it is not an oil.

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